Followup to: Edits to Broadband Inter-Americas Proposal
by Recognizing WSIS Impacts on Jan.14, 2014, under Uncategorized
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From: Seth Johnson <[protected]>
Date: Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 5:19 PM
Subject: Followup: Seth’s Edits on Broadband Study Question
To: Flavia Alves <[protected]>, Doreen McGirr <[protected]>, Roxanne McElvane <[protected]>, “Elizabeth Bacon ([protected])” <[protected]>, “[protected]” <[protected]>
Attaching my edits on the Broadband Study Question, as promised.
Broadband Study Question 2 – ID Edits
Much easier to use than my explanations, also forwarded below. But you should be able to appreciate the importance of these edits more and find answers in these comments originally sent Friday morning.
These edits are relevant to assuring the ITU properly addresses wired facilities, and are critical to assure the US and the ITU do not simply apply the Title I and market failure analysis approach that the FCC has acceded to after the DC Circuit’s previous rulings. After today’s ruling, these revisions are likely even more critical.
So as I said, I strongly urge you to bear these in mind.
The US is moving toward a better approach, having gotten CITEL to add wired infrastructure to the broadband question, and coming to understand how the terms IP-based Networks, NGNs and Internet need to be properly understood — and how the ITU’s processes are leading to misunderstanding on those points. BUT this does not mean the US or CITEL or ITU will address the real policy implications that are important for wired infrastructure in relation to the Internet.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Seth Johnson <[protected]>
Date: Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 9:55 AM
Subject: Re Deep Dive on IAPs – my broadband edit
To: Roxanne McElvane <[protected]>, Doreen McGirr
<[protected]>, “[protected]” <[protected]>
Please find attached my text inputs for the broadband study question.
What I did was add bits to make sure it articulates how deployment of
broadband in the sense of specialized service network frameworks such
as IMT should coexist with internetworking.
Two paragraphs of explanation. The role of policies related to
land-based infrastructure is critical, and this relates both to the
FCC’s current attempt to defend their Title I approach out of the Open
Internet proceeding, and the Title II approach that reflects the
actual nature of the Communications Act:
Among the considerations that are important in the context of
broadband deployment is the role of the open Internet and policies
that may apply to modalities such as land-based or wired
telecommunications infrastructures. Broadband in this context elicits
important questions including how frameworks for specialized services
such as are enabled for wireless by standards such as IMT should
coexist with the varied offerings of competing providers who rely on
the open Internet and policy frameworks affording competitive access
to shared physical public right-of-way facilities. These providers
rely on general purpose communications protocols to support a flexible
platform for independent innovation that enables them to compete even
as it assures interoperability and global connectivity for their own
services and those of innovating end users.
One of the key questions raised in the United States Federal Communications Commission’s National Broadband Plan and Open Internet Orders was how the Open Internet should coexist with specialized services. As we proceed to an emphasis on broadband access and uptake, questions become important regarding how standards such as IMT, which offers incentives for wireless providers, should relate to open Internet as well as issues of competition, the enabling environment, infrastructure development and empowerment of end users and independent providers in the context of other modalities such as land-based or wired facilities over which policies affording competitive access to the physical layer may apply.