
Joint Statement Signed by:

(Affiliations are listed for identification purposes only.)

  • Janna Anderson, Founder and director of the Imagining the Internet Center, Elon University
  • Bill St. Arnaud, Green IT Consultant, St. Arnaud-Walker and Associates Inc.
  • Scott Bradner, Harvard University, long time IETF and ISOC participant, ARIN board member and Network World columnist
  • Dave Burstein, Editor, DSL Prime
  • Kenneth Carter, Senior Research Fellow, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia Business School
  • Robin Chase, CEO Meadow Networks, co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, member, Dept of Commerce National Advisory Committee for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Gordon Cook, Editor and publisher of The Cook Report on Internet Protocol, Technology, Economics and Policy since 1992
  • Bob Frankston, Telecommunications Analyst and Visionary
  • John Furrier, Founder Broadband Developments, Inc; and Founder Editor of
  • Gene Gaines, Gaines Group, telecommunications engineer, Open Internet activist
  • Robert Gregory, BSEE UCB, I.T. Director for a non-profit human services agency, and BSD, open source and IP network evangelist since 1980
  • Dewayne Hendricks, CEO, Tetherless Access
  • Paul Hyland, CTO, Digital Operations, Education Week; member, USACM Council
  • David S. Isenberg, Ph. D., Principal Prosultant(sm), , LLC, former Senior Advisor to FCC Omnibus Broadband Initiative, and Author, “Rise of the Stupid Network”
  • Seth P. Johnson, Information Quality Specialist
  • Paul Jones, and University of North Carolina
  • Dean Landsman, Digital Strategist/Connectivity Consultant. President: Landsman Communications Group
  • Jon Lebkowsky, President, EFF-Austin
  • Andrew Lippman, Sr Research Scientist, MIT Media Lab, associate director
  • Michael Maranda, Co-Founder, Chicago Digital Access Alliance
  • Sascha Meinrath, Director, Open Technology Initiative, New America Foundation; Co-Founder,
  • Jerry Michalski, former managing editor, Release 1.0, and founder, Relationship Economy eXpedition
  • John T. Mitchell, Interaction Law
  • Steve Mossbrook, Founder and CEO,
  • Bruce Perens, co-founder of the Open Source movement in software
  • Ed Pimentel, CEO/Founder,
  • Tim Pozar, Telecommunications Engineer and Community Broadband Activist
  • David P. Reed, Ph.D., Participant in the original design of the Internet Protocols and well-known expert in network and computing architecture
  • Clay Shirky, Interactive Telecommunications Program, New York University
  • Jay Sulzberger, Consulting statistician
  • Robb Topolski, Adjunct Technologist, Open Technology Initiative, New America Foundation
  • Brough Turner, Founder, netBlazr Inc ., co-founder & former CTO of NMS Communications and of Natural MicroSystems, open spectrum advocate and lecturer on 3G/4G wireless
  • John G. Waclawsky Ph.D., Technology Advisor and Consultant, Chicago and Washington
  • David Weinberger, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at Harvard Berkman Center for Internet & Society
  • Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple Computer, Inc., Member, National Academy of Engineers

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