White House Blog: President Obama’s Strong Commitment to Net Neutrality and an Open Internet

by on Dec.01, 2010, under Uncategorized

(Original post on the White House Blog)

Posted by Aneesh Chopra on December 01, 2010

President Obama is strongly committed to net neutrality in order to keep an open Internet that fosters investment, innovation, consumer choice, and free speech. The announced action by FCC Chairman Genachowski, building on the work of Chairman Waxman’s collaborative effort to craft legislation in this area, advances this important policy priority.

We recognize that this announcement reflects a significant amount of effort on the part of numerous broadband providers, Internet applications developers, content providers, consumer groups, and others to finding a thoughtful and effective approach to this issue. Today’s announcement is an important step in preventing abuses and continuing to advance the Internet as an engine of productivity growth and innovation.

Aneesh Chopra is the United States’ Chief Technology Officer

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