WTDC Resolution 38
WTDC RESOLUTION 38 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010)
Development of the Youth Forum in the Telecommunication Development Bureau
The World Telecommunication Devel opment Conference (Hyderabad, 2010),
- recalling
- Resolution 38 (Rev. Doha, 2006) of the Worl d Telecommunication Development Conference,
- considering
- a) the extraordinary success of the Youth Fo rums, and the role of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) in the success of such events, especially their active participation at ITU exhibitions, particularly the last TELECOM exhibition a nd Forum sessions (ITU TELECOM World 2009);
- b) the need expressed by youth that ITU should c ontinue to involve them in its major events;
- c) the demonstrated competences of youth in information and communication technology (ICT) to provide future impetus fo r social and economic development;
- d) the need to encourage the pa rticipation of youth in ICTs;
- e) the need to protect youth from abuse and expl oitation through ICTs, e xpressed in the Tunis Commitment and the Tunis Agenda for the Info rmation Society adopted by the World Summit on the Information Society;
- f) the need to link ITU to the futu re of ICT through youth activities,
- recognizing
- a) the enthusiasm and the ideals that youth can br ing to the sector, and their desire to help create and work for a fair and better world;
- b) the role of ICTs in protecting youth, enhanc ing their development and protecting them in childhood,
- noting
- the importance of portraying the en ormous scope of talent required in the telecommunication sector, and the need for human resources from a wide variety of backgrounds to manage and utilize telecommunication technologies and servic es for bridging th e digital divide,
- resolves
- 1 that the ITU Telecommunication Developmen t Sector (ITU-D) continue to support the Youth Forums and promote the interests and capabi lities of youth in ICT, as a means of linking ITU’s development efforts with the leaders of tomorrow;
- 2 that ITU-D develop and strength en actions to make ICTs acce ssible to youth, in particular to the disadvantaged and marginalize d, thereby bridging the digital divide,
- instructs the Director of the Te lecommunication Development Bureau
- 1 to seek appropriate means to integrate youth issues into the activiti es of BDT, including through programmes with emphasis on capacity building;
- 2 to establish a mechanism for coordination for the Youth Forum, and follow-up support for the development of IC T capabilities of youth,
- requests the Secretary-General
- to bring this resolution to the attention of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Guadalajara, 2010) with a view to releasing appropriate resources fo r the corresponding activ ities and functions,
- invites Member States and Sector Members
- to develop partnerships with BDT in orde r to interest youth in ICT and in ITU.