Recognizing WSIS Impacts

Unless it acknowledges key characteristics of the Internet, the World Summit on the Information Society will easily undermine it

PP Resolution 197

PP RESOLUTION 197 (Busan, 2014)

Facilitating the Internet of Things to prepare for a globally connected world

The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union ( Busan, 2014),

  • considering
    • a) that a globally connected “Internet of Things” (IoT) world will be built on the connectivity and functionality made possible by telecommunication networks;
    • b) that the global connected world also requires considerable enhancement of transmission speed, device connectivity and energy efficiency to accommodate the significant amounts of data among a plethora of devices;
    • c) that the rapid development of related technology could cause the globally connected world to be realized faster than expected;
    • d) that IoT has been expected to play a fundamental role in the fields of energy, transportation, health, agriculture, disaster management, public safety and home networks, and could benefit developing countries as well as developed countries;
    • e) that the impact of IoT will be more pervasive and far-reaching thanks to the wide range of applications in information and communication technology (ICT) sectors and non-ICT sectors;
    • f) that, considering the limited financial and human resources in developing countries, special attention should be given to developing countries,
  • recognizing
    • a) that studies on IoT are being carried out in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) to develop recommendations, such as in the Joint Coordination Activity on IoT, the Global Standards Initiative on IoT, the Focus Group on machine-to-machine (M2M) service layer and the ITU-T study groups, in accordance with their respective scope and mandates;
    • b) that just as radio-frequency identification (RFID) and ubiquitous sensor network (USN) facilitated the advent of IoT, IoT will in turn play an important part as a catalyst for other related technologies currently studied by the Union;
    • c) that the implementation of Internet Protocol version six (IPv6) may contribute to the future development of IoT;
    • d) that cooperation between all relevant organizations and communities to raise greater awareness and to promote the adoption of IPv6 within Member States and through capacity building within the mandate of the Union is desired,
  • bearing in mind
    • a) that interoperability is required to develop services enabled by IoT (hereinafter “IoT services”) at the global level, to the extent practicable with mutual collaboration among relevant organizations and entities, including other standards development organizations (SDOs) involved in developing and using open standards to the extent practicable;
    • b) that industry fora are developing technical specifications for IoT;
    • c) that the application of IoT is expected to encompass all sectors, including but not limited to energy, transportation, health, agriculture, etc.;
    • d) that IoT-related activities will encourage the participation of all relevant organizations or entities around the world to promote the early establishment and expansion of IoT;
    • e) that the globally connected world through IoT could also contribute to achieving the goals of the Post-2015 Development Agenda;
    • f) that IoT could redefine the relationship between people and devices,
  • resolves
    • to promote investment in and development of IoT in order to achieve the objectives mentioned in considering d) and e) above,
  • instructs the Secretary-General, in consultation and collaboration with the Directors of the three Bureaux
    • 1 to coordinate the activities of the Union to implement the resolution;
    • 2 to facilitate the exchange of experiences and information with all relevant organizations and entities involved in IoT and IoT services, with the aim of creating opportunities for cooperative efforts to support the deployment of IoT;
    • 3 to submit an annual report on the results of implementation of this resolution to the Council sessions in 2015-2018;
    • 4 to submit a report to the next plenipotentiary conference in 2018,
  • instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
    • 1 to continue the work of relevant ITU-T study groups on enabling IoT as a basic enabler capable of facilitating the emergence of diverse services in the globally connected world, in collaboration with relevant sectors;
    • 2 to continue cooperation with relevant organizations, including SDOs, for exchanging best practices and disseminating information to increase interoperability of IoT services, through joint workshops, training sessions, joint coordination activity groups and any other appropriate means,
  • instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau
    • to encourage and assist those countries which need support in adopting IoT and IoT services by providing relevant information, capacity building and best practices to enable the adoption of IoT, through seminars, workshops, etc.,
  • instructs the Council
    • 1 to consider the reports of the Secretary-General referred to in instructs the Secretary-General 3 above and take necessary measures so as to contribute to achieving the objectives of this resolution;
    • 2 to report to the next plenipotentiary conference on the progress made with respect to this resolution based on the report of the Secretary-General,
  • invites Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia
    • 1 to consider developing best practices to enhance the development of IoT;
    • 2 to participate actively in IoT-related studies in the Union through contributions and by other appropriate means.

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