PP Resolution 191
PP RESOLUTION 191 (Busan, 2014)
Strategy for the coordination of efforts among the three Sectors of the Union
The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union ( Busan, 2014),
a) Resolution ITU-R 6-1 (Rev. Geneva, 2007), on liaison and collaboration with the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), and Resolution ITU-R 7-2 (Rev. Geneva, 2012), on telecommunication development including liaison and collaboration with the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D), of the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA);
b) Resolutions 44 and 45 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), on mutual cooperation and integration of the activities of ITU-T and ITU-D;
c) Resolution 57 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) of WTSA, on strengthening coordination and cooperation among the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R), ITU-T and ITU-D on matters of mutual interest;
d) Resolution 5 (Rev. Dubai 2014) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), on enhanced participation by developing countries1 in the activities of the Union;
e) Resolution 59 (Rev. Dubai 2014) of WTDC, on strengthening coordination and cooperation among ITU-R, ITU-T and ITU-D on matters of mutual interest;
f) the recent establishment of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group subgroup on intra-ITU collaboration and coordination, and the inter-Sector coordination group on issues of mutual interest,
a) the objectives of the Union listed in Article 1 of the ITU Constitution;
b) the role assigned to each of the three Sectors to contribute to fulfilment of the said objectives;
c) that the basic principle of cooperation and collaboration among ITU-R, ITU-T and ITU-D is to avoid duplication of the Sectors’ activities and ensure that work is carried out efficiently, effectively and in coordination;
d) that RA, WTSA and WTDC have also identified common areas where work is to be done and that require the internal coordination within ITU,
a) the need of developing countries to acquire tools to strengthen their telecommunication sector;
b) that despite efforts made, levels of participation by developing countries in the activities of ITU-T and ITU-R remain low, so that it is increasingly necessary to carry out joint activities with ITU‑D;
c) the catalysing role of ITU-D, which seeks optimal resource use so that capacities can be built in developing countries;
d) the need to achieve better representation of the vision and needs of developing countries in the activities and work carried out in ITU-R and ITU-T;
e) that in common areas such as international mobile telecommunications (IMT), emergency communications, conformity testing, deployment of information and communications technologies and better use of scarce resources, among others, an integrative approach from the Union is increasingly required;
f) that coordinated and complementary efforts make it possible to reach more Member States, with greater impact, so as to bridge the digital divide and the standardization gap, as well as contribute to better spectrum management,
bearing in mind
a) that the existence of inter-Sector teams facilitates collaboration and coordination of activities within the Union;
b) that consultations are under way among the three Sector advisory groups themselves regarding the mechanisms and means needed for better cooperation among them;
c) that these actions should be systematized in a comprehensive strategy whose results are measured and monitored;
d) that this would provide the Union with a tool for correcting deficiencies and building on success;
e) that inter-Sector collaboration and coordination should be headed by the General Secretariat, in close collaboration with the Directors of the three Bureaux,
resolves to instruct the Secretary-General
1 to ensure the design of a coordination and cooperation strategy for effective and efficient efforts in areas of mutual interest to the three ITU Sectors, in order to avoid duplication of effort and optimize the use of resources;
2 to ensure the preparation of an updated list containing the areas of mutual interest to the three Sectors pursuant to the mandates of each ITU assembly and conference;
3 to ensure reporting of the coordination activities carried out among the different Sectors in each such area, as well as the results obtained;
4 to present a report to the next plenipotentiary conference on the implementation of this resolution,
instructs the Council
to include the coordination of the work of the three ITU Sectors on the agenda for its meetings so as to follow its evolution and take decisions to ensure its implementation,
instructs the Directors of the Radiocommunication Bureau, the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, and the Telecommunication Development Bureau
1 to ensure reporting to the Council of the coordination activities carried out among the different Sectors in each area identified as being of mutual interest, as well as the results obtained;
2 to ensure that the agendas of the respective advisory groups include coordination with the other Sectors so that strategies and actions are suggested for optimal development of the areas of common interest;
3 to provide support to the Sector advisory groups in the inter-Sector coordination activity in areas of mutual interest.