PP Resolution 21
PP RESOLUTION 21 (Rev. Busan, 2014)
Measures concerning alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks
The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union ( Busan, 2014),
a) Resolution 20 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), on procedures for allocation and management of international telecommunication numbering, naming, addressing and identification (NNAI) resources;
b) Resolution 29 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) of WTSA, on alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks;
c) Resolution 22 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference, on alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks, identification of origin and apportionment of revenues in providing international telecommunication services;
d) that each Member State has the sovereign right to allow or prohibit certain forms of alternative calling procedures in order to address their impact on its national telecommunication networks;
e) the interests of developing countries1;
f) the interests of consumers and users of telecommunication services;
g) the need of some Member States to identify the origin of calls, taking into account the relevant ITU recommendations;
h) that some forms of alternative calling procedures may have an impact on quality of service (QoS), quality of experience (QoE) and the performance of telecommunication networks;
i) the benefits of competition in delivering lower costs and choice to consumers;
j) that there are a myriad of different stakeholders impacted by alternative calling procedures;
k) that the understanding of what is an alternative calling procedure has evolved over time,
a) that the use of some alternative calling procedures may adversely affect the economies of developing countries and may seriously hamper the efforts made by those countries to ensure the sound development of their telecommunication/information and communication technology networks and services;
b) that some forms of alternative calling procedures may have an impact on traffic management, network planning and the quality and performance of telecommunication networks;
- b) that some forms of alternative calling procedures may have an impact on traffic management and network planning and degrade the quality and performance of the public switched telephone network (PSTN);
c) that the use of certain alternative calling procedures that are not harmful to networks may contribute to competition in the interests of consumers;
d) that a number of relevant Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU‑T) recommendations, particularly those of ITU‑T Study Groups 2 and 3, that address, from several points of view, including technical and financial, the effects of alternative calling procedures on the performance and development of telecommunication networks,
the ITU workshop on “caller ID spoofing” that ITU‑T Study Group 2 held in Geneva on 2 June 2014,
a) Resolution 21 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, on alternative calling procedures on telecommunication networks, which:
– urged Member States to cooperate among themselves to resolve difficulties in order to ensure that national laws and regulations of ITU Member States are respected;
– instructed ITU-T to accelerate its studies with a view to developing appropriate solutions and recommendations;
b) Resolution 29 (Rev. Florianpolis, 2004) of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which resolves that:
– administrations and recognized operating agencies (ROA) should take all reasonable measures, within the constraints of their national law, to suspend alternative calling procedures which seriously degrade the quality and performance of the PSTN;
– administrations and ROAs should take a cooperative and reasonable approach to respecting the national sovereignty of others;
– further studies are required to evaluate the economic effects of call-back on the effort of countries with economies in transition, developing countries, and especially least developed countries, for sound development of their local telecommunication networks and services, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the suggested guidelines for consultation on call-back;
c) Resolution 22 (Rev. Doha, 2006) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference, which is based on amendments to Resolutions 20 and 29 (Rev. Florianpolis, 2004) of WTSA,
a) that, as at October 2006, 114 Member States had notified the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau that call-back is prohibited on their territory;
a) that ITU‑T has concluded that certain alternative calling procedures such as constant calling (or bombardment or polling) and answer suppression seriously degrade the quality and the performance of the telecommunication networks;
b) that ITU-T has concluded that certain alternative calling procedures such as constant calling (or bombardment or polling) and answer suppression seriously degrade the quality and the performance of the PSTN;
b) that appropriate ITU‑T study groups and ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU‑D) study groups are cooperating on issues related to alternative calling procedures and telecommunication origin identification,
c) that appropriate ITU-T study groups are cooperating on issues related to alternative calling procedures, including refile, call-back, and telecommunication origin identification,
1 to identify and describe all forms of alternative calling procedures and assess their impact on all parties, and to review relevant ITU‑T recommendations in order to address any negative effects that alternative calling procedures have on all parties;
2 to encourage administrations and operating agencies authorized by Member States to take the appropriate measures to provide an acceptable level of QoS and QoE, to ensure the delivery of International calling line identification (CLI) and origin identification (OI) information, wherever possible, and consistent with national law, and to ensure the appropriate charging taking into account the relevant ITU recommendations;
1 to encourage administrations and international telecommunication operators to implement the ITU-T recommendations referred to in considering d) in order to limit the negative effects that, in some cases, alternative calling procedures have on developing countries;
3 to develop guidelines for administrations and operating agencies authorized by Member States on the measures that can be considered, within the constraints of their national law, to address the impact of alternative calling procedures;
4 to request the appropriate ITU‑T study groups, particularly Study Groups 2 and 3, and ITU‑D study groups, through contributions of Member States and Sector Members, to continue to study:
3 to request the appropriate ITU-T study groups, through contributions of Member States and Sector Members, to continue to study alternative calling procedures, such as refile and call-back, and issues related to identification of origin, in order to take into account the importance of these studies as they relate to next-generation networks and network degradation,
i) alternative calling procedures, as a result of resolves 1, in order to update relevant ITU‑T recommendations;
ii) issues related to OI and CLI, in order to take into account the importance of these studies as they relate to next-generation networks and network degradation,
instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau and the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
1 to collaborate on further studies, based on contributions from Member States, Sector Members and other members, to evaluate the effects of alternative calling procedures on consumers, the effect on countries with economies in transition, developing countries and especially least developed countries, for sound development of their local telecommunication networks and services in respect of originating and terminating calls using alternative calling procedures;
2 to develop guidelines for Member States and Sector Members with regard to all aspects of alternative calling procedures, based on resolves 1 and 4 above;
3 to evaluate the effectiveness of the suggested guidelines for consultation on alternative calling procedures;
4 to collaborate so as to avoid overlap and duplication of effort in studying issues related to different forms of alternative calling procedures,
2 to collaborate so as to avoid overlap and duplication of effort in studying issues related to refile, call-back and identification of origin.
invites Member States
1 to encourage their administrations and operating agencies authorized by Member States to implement the ITU‑T recommendations referred to in considering d) in order to limit the negative effects that, in some cases, some alternative calling procedures have on developing countries;
2 which permit the use of alternative calling procedures on their territory in accordance with their national regulations to pay due regard to the decisions of other administrations and operating agencies authorized by Member States whose regulations do not permit such alternative calling procedures;
3 to cooperate to resolve difficulties in order to ensure that national laws and regulations of ITU Member States are respected;
4 to contribute to this work,
invites Sector Members
1 in their international operations, to pay due regard to the decisions of other administrations whose regulations do not permit such alternative calling procedures;
2 to contribute to this work.