WTDC Resolution 24
WTDC RESOLUTION 24 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010)
Authorization for the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group to act between world telecommunication development conferences
The World Telecommunication Development Conference (Hyderabad, 2010),
- recalling
- Resolution 24 (Rev. Doha, 2006) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC),
- considering
- a)that, under the provisions of Article 17A of the ITU Convention, the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG) is to continueto provide guidelines for the work of study groups and recommend measures to foster coordination and cooperation with other relevant development and financial institutions;
- b)that there is a need to evaluate the activities of study groups;
- c)that the rapid pace of change in the telecommunication environment and in industry groups dealing with telecommunications/information and communication technologies (ICTs) still demands that the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) make decisions on issues such as work priorities, study group structure and meeting schedulesin shorter periods of time, between WTDCs;
- d)that TDAG has demonstrated its capability tomake proposals for enhancing the operational efficiency of ITU-D, for improving the quality of ITU-D Recommendations and for methods of coordination and cooperation;
- e)that TDAG can help improve coordination of the study processes and provide improved decision-making processes for the important areas of ITU-D activities;
- f)that flexible administrative procedures, including those related to budgetary considerations, are needed in order to adapt to rapid changes in the telecommunication environment;
- g)that it is necessary that TDAG continue to act in the four years between WTDCs in order to meet the needs of the members in a timely manner,
- recognizing
- a)that the duties of WTDC are specified in the Convention;
- b)that the current four-year cycle for WTDCs effectively precludes the possibility of addressing unforeseen issues requiring urgent action in the interim period between two conferences;
- c)that TDAG, which meets at least on a yearly basis, is capable of addressing these issues as they arise;
- d)that, in accordance with No. 213A of the Convention, a WTDC may assign specific matters within its competence to TDAG, indicating the recommended action on those matters;
- e)that TDAG has already demonstrated the capability to act effectively on matters referred to it by the previous WTDC,
- noting
- that there is still an ongoing needto identify an appropriate mechanism or mechanisms to address new emerging problems for developing countries that ITU-D may not yet have been able to consider,
- resolves
- 1 to continue to assign to TDAG the following specific matters, between two consecutive WTDCs, acting in consultation with the Directorof the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), as appropriate:
- i) continue to maintain efficient and flexible working guidelines, and update them as necessary, including to provide opportunities for cross-regionalsharing of experiences on the implementation of regional actions, initiatives and projects;
- ii) evaluate periodically the working methodsand functioning of the ITU-D study groups, to identify options for maximizing programme delivery and to approve appropriate changes thereto following an assessment of their workprogramme, including strengthening of the synergy between Questions, programmes and regional initiatives;
- iii) conduct the assessment pursuant to resolves1 ii) above, taking into account the following actions in relation to the current work programme of the study groups, if needed:
- • redefinition of the terms of reference ofQuestions in order to provide focus and eliminate overlap;
- • deletion or merging of Questions as appropriate; and
- • evaluation of criteria to measure the effectiveness of Questions, both in qualitative and quantitative terms, including a periodical review based on the ITU-D strategic plan with a view to further exploring performance measures in order to more effectively implement actions referred to in resolves1 ii) above;
- iv) restructure ITU-D study groups, if required, and, as a result of a restructuring or creation of ITU-D study groups, appoint chairmen and vice-chairmen to act until the next WTDC in response to the needs and concerns of the Member States, within the agreed budgetary limits;
- v) continue to issue adviceon study group schedules that meet development priorities;
- vi) continue to advise the Director of BDT on relevant financial and other matters;
- vii) continue to approve the programme of work arising from the review of existing and new Questions and determine the priority, urgency, estimated financial implications and time-scale for the completion of their study;
- viii) in order to promote flexibility in responding rapidly to high-priority matters, if required, create, terminate or maintain other groups, appoint their chairmen and vice-chairmen, and establish their terms of reference with a defined duration, in accordance with Nos 209A and 209B of the Convention and taking into account the leading role of the study groups in carrying out the studies on such matters; suchother groups shall notadopt Questions or Recommendations;
- 2 that, when dealing with restructuring ofthe study groups and the creation of new study groups, the decisions taken in TDAG meetings shall be unopposed by any Member State present at the meeting,
- 1 to continue to assign to TDAG the following specific matters, between two consecutive WTDCs, acting in consultation with the Directorof the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), as appropriate:
- instructs the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group
- to take appropriate action for the implementation of this resolution and report the results to the next WTDC.